Written by:
Lin Wurzbacher
10/6/2010 12:30 PM
Greetings in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ!
And WELCOME to my new website and blog!!!
Why have I titled this website: "That woman pastor?"
First of all, because the vision that God has given me for this site is definitely for it to contain much humor! Since I really enjoy adding a bit of humor to just about everything, I want my blog and website to reflect that part of who God made me! I've always thought that I'm a living example of the fact that God has an amazing sense of humor! I like that about Him!
And Secondly, I've always found it amusing that I am often referred to by the people at large in our community as 'that woman pastor." Usually the people of my church and I hear that phrase used in various ways, often something like: "Ohh, you're from the church that has that woman pastor?"
So I smile and say, "Yeah, that woman pastor, that would be me!"
And in that moment, I can feel God smile and wink at me as He adds: "That woman pastor? ....that's MY daughter! That's My child! That's My servant! That woman pastor belongs to me!"
My goal and prayer is for this website to encourage other servants of Christ and all the glory forever and ever to be to Christ alone! Worthy is the Lamb who was slain! I plan to be very BOLD and honest with all that I share in this space. I feel God has given me a lot to say here. I've been holding back up to now. But it's time. 
Time to step up even more. God has been calling me out and it's time for me to bury what's left of my 'people pleasing side' and speak the truth in love as God leads me, even if it does ruffle more than a few feathers out there! So check back often and get ready to get ruffled! :-)
3 comment(s) so far...
Re: Welcome!
Great Stuff Pastor Lin!!! I look forward to following this one......
By Teresa Parkman on
10/11/2010 9:27 AM
Re: Welcome!
Great Stuff Pastor Lin!!! I look forward to following this blog......
By Teresa Parkman on
10/11/2010 9:27 AM
Re: Welcome!
Wow! This site looks great and the title? Hilarious, prophetic and just plain wow! I look forward to learning from you and the awesome ministry God has given you to steward.
By missional girl on
10/13/2010 7:43 AM