Written by:
Lin Wurzbacher
12/28/2011 8:48 PM
A lot of Church Planters and Senior Pastors often write about how horrifically hard this type of ministry can be. And I agree, it is often really, really hard. But there is one thing you rarely here leaders talk about and that's the joy, joy, joy that is also found in doing this ministry!
Why Joy? Because in my opinion, there is no more satisfying work in all the world than is the work of serving our Holy Lord! Ohhhh, soo very satisfying. Words can not come close to describing the overwhelming, pure joy I feel at times.
When I see someone find Christ for the first time! (And I see their joy!)
When I see someone have an aha moment with the Lord that leads to much growth!
When I see a husband and wife forgive each other for horrific things!
When I see people unselfishly reaching out to others in the name of Jesus!
When I know God has used me to help someone!
When I see evidence of the Living God time after time in the lives of others!
When I get to walk on water with jesus!
When I see the Lord's Kingdom COME!
When I hear children talk about Jesus!
When I see people fall in love with the Church!
When I see people learning to love serving the LORD!
When I see people using their gifts to serve the LORD for the first time!
When I see people tithing through faith!
When I know God has used me (even a tiny bit) to make any of these things happen in the lives of others! It's ohhh sooo satisfying! To HIM be all the glory forever and ever! Amen!