Written by:
Lin Wurzbacher
11/2/2010 6:56 PM
I heard a story awhile back:
Erwin McManus relayed the story of his young son who called him into his room at night because he was afraid. He asked his daddy, Erwin, to pray for protection and that God would make him safe.
Erwin said to his son, "No, I won't pray that. I'm going to pray instead that God would make you dangerous. That you would be so dangerous that demons would be afraid of you."
The son replied, "Then pray that I would be very dangerous Daddy."
The point is that believers should be so close to God and so armed with His weapons that they would be able to stand against the world and the evil one and to be bold like Jesus.

Since I heard that, that has become my prayer for my own son, for myself and for all of our church.
I pray for God to make us so dangerous that the devil and his demons won’t even consider messing around with us.
So often, we pray for God to protect us and to keep us safe! Maybe we should be praying for God to make us very dangerous instead!
Most of the time, I do truly feel that dangerous! I felt it yesterday when I boldly preached the Gospel message at my church. I felt it today when I prayed with someone who is going through a difficult time. And again as I spoke the truth in love to someone I know needed to hear the truth. Demons are fleeing! The darkness is being dispelled and illuminated with the love and light of Christ! Amen!
Isn't it time for you to get a whole lot more dangerous?
Will YOU be brave enough to pray that prayer right now?
Send me a note if you decide to pray that prayer and I'll add my prayers to yours to ask God to make YOU much more dangerous to the dark powers of this world! Together we can become like a bright city on a hill for all the world to see!
Don't be afraid! Instead, pray and get dangerous! Remember these words from Jesus:
Luke 10:19-20
"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
Peace in Christ Alone!!!